AutoCAD DWG ,DXF and DWF To WMF Converter allows you convert DWG to WMF, DXF to WMF and DWF to WMF directly without need of AutoCAD, it converts DWG, DXF and DWF files into vector WMF files, quick and easily, Supports to choose layouts or layers to convert. Use the program, you can insert your design drawing into MS Word.
Key Features :
-Batch convert DWG DXF DWF files to quality WMF WITHOUT AutoCAD.
-You may set the Image Size, Output Color (True Colors,Gray and Black-White), Background Color.
-Supports true colors.
-You may convert model space, all layouts, all paper space, or last active layout to Image file.
-Can adjust the size of output pages with the layout information automatically.
-Supports 3D objects Hidden line removal.
-Supports all versions of DWG/DXF files (Supports R2.5-2010).
-Easy to use.